Whatchu Lookin At (Wild)TheBootesArtVoid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thebootesartvoid/art/Whatchu-Lookin-At-Wild-869981180TheBootesArtVoid

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Whatchu Lookin At (Wild)


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Took a photo of this guy whilst he was trying to steal some KFC from some people at a park in the city.

Species Name: Australian Raven
Latin Name: Corvus coronoides
Native To: Southern and Northeastern Australia
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Taken At: Melbourne City

These birds have an entirely black coat of features. Their unique features involve their bright white/blue eyes. The juveniles will start with a rich brown eyes until they reach fifteen months of age. Their iris will then turn hazel with an inner blue rim. As they reach adulthood their eyes will have white irises with an inner blue rim and finally their irises will turn completely white as they get older. These birds are known to have a long drawn out high pitched call similar to "ah-ah-aaahhh" with the last ahh being drawn out. Australian ravens are distinguished by its throat hackles.
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HellyRipphin's avatar

Hello TBAV :-) I am trying to find a picture of a seal  you had..it was up close...facing left, just the head ...I can't find things in Deviant - no idea how to search 'within' the gallery (ies) of a particular deviant.   Can you point me to where it is, please?  Thank you for all your work!!