Musk LorikeetTheBootesArtVoid on DeviantArt

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Musk Lorikeet



Species Name: Musk Lorikeet
Latin name: Glossopsitta concinna
Native to: South-Central and South-Eastern Australia
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Taken at: Healesville Sanctuary

These birds tend to travel from place to place throughout woodlands of drier woodlands mainly west of the West Dividing Range as well as in Tasmania. These birds are one of the rare few that have actually adapted to human development. Their favorite foods include apricots, apples, bottlebrush flowers and nectar. They also enjoy eating the seeds and nectar from plants/trees known as Grevillea, a native Australian plant. As the plants/trees in the cities such as Melbourne and Sydney regularly watered and maintained these birds have found the cities to be a more reliable source of food than in the outback.
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6000x4000px 1.06 MB
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PixelCrunchX's avatar

Do they smell? Is that why they are "Musk" lorikeets?