I'm returning to DevArt with a NEW style.
I'll be posting up my Cosplay photos, Journals, and random Art bits, when I have time.
I try REALLY HARD to do a decent job on my cosplay though, I fail at times.
No one is perfect!!
I'm kinda a curvy person, which can make a good to perfect cosplay PRETTY DAMN HARD TO PULL OFF, but I don't let it totally get me down because I think I CAN do it!! And since I make my own now, SCREW YOU IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. I have come off my hiatus after honing my new skills and I will continue to cosplay again and if you don't like it. Get. Off. My. Page.
Thank you.
My fave cosplay to do at the moment is: Sans from UnderTale
SongXUndertale Contest! (MORE PRIZES!)Time for the new contest!~
You're choice of any song crossover/parody you like, Choose whatever character(s) you want
Entries submitted here: https://undertaleinteractive.deviantart.com/gallery/57376571/SongXUndertale-Contest
:iconallkindsofyes: :iconcreepybear: :iconpokemonlover4502: :iconjavajojo: :icontheshaywarrior: :iconboink-bonk:
Due Date:
(Figured give this one almost a month because that then can give people the opportunity to make an animation if they like~)
Has to be entered after this date (I'll accept something maybe you just started up but nothing you've done a month of work on)
Can be whatever you like! (I want this one to be really diverse so we will be accepting animations and cover songs done as characters, along with the usual artwork. If you have any questions feel free to contact me)
Link to the song that you are using for your crossover/parody
1st Place:
:iconallkindsofyes: Short animation (small dance, bobbing head,