Flip Flop TemplateTheApparelGuy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/theapparelguy/art/Flip-Flop-Template-254260651TheApparelGuy

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Flip Flop Template



Got a custom flip flop design to show off?
Download the PSD and put them straight on and show off your new idea!

Customise your flops with realistic shadows, highlights, a seperate strap layer and colour overlays for a realistic finish!

Another great template from:



Another great template from

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Email - petertaitdesign@gmail.com
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All work is Copyright Peter Tait, Peter Tait Design and TheApparelGuy(TM)

The purpose of our products are to help save costs on promotional marketing. This product includes a full commercial license to feature images saved as a result of this template. There is no restriction on usage or inclusion of Tait or TheApparelGuy(TM) logos and branding.

Re-distribution of this original PSD template, modified or un-modified is illegal and will result in a penalty and legal action.

The purchase of this product has no guarantee on whether not your product will be more successful in it's sale. Products are subject to their design and print quality and will not necessarily result in increased sales when using our product. No refund will be offered based on this premise.
Image size
1586x1588px 13.24 MB
© 2011 - 2025 TheApparelGuy
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1quarto's avatar
Thank you for sharing!
Excellent job. Not just this one, as well your entire work gallery!
Regards from Brazil!