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Bust Shot by Squiggy13
Character is now maxed!
Earned Points: 700 AP
AP History
Group Entry = 5 AP
Acceptance = 3 AP
Alyshia's Intro Meme = 15 AP
Alyshia: On Workin' Out = 16 AP
This Is It: Halloween Collaboration! = 25 AP
Aly Forum Altar = 2 AP
Last of Dawn = 9 AP
Winter March = 6 AP
Chapter III Participation = 10 AP
Three Extra Posts After 4-Post Minimum = 3 AP
Dad Senses Intensify = 3 AP
WF NPCs (old ref images) = 3 AP
Abiola: War-Forged NPC = 2 AP
Antinel: War-Forged NPC = 2 AP
Denvell: War-Forged NPC = 2 AP
Murkos: War-Forged NPC = 2 AP
Alyshia: On The War-Forged = 3 AP
Alyshia: On Talents = 7 AP
Alyshia: On Valkyrie Life = 4 AP
Alyshia: On Parents = 4 AP
Alyshia: On Defense of Property = 5 AP
Coddling = 2 AP
Equines of Onea = 43 AP
Alyshia: Age Meme = 24 AP
An Answered Prayer = 2 AP
Alyshia: The Blessing = 6 AP
Alyshia: Species Meme = 15 AP
Aly Breed Meme = 10 AP
Aly: Some Headshots = 2 AP
Alyshia: Expression Meme = 25 AP
Poofkin = 2 AP
Alyshia: Style Meme = 10 AP
Alyshia: Herd Meme = 10 AP
Alyshia: Pokemon Meme = 10 AP
Trademark Scowl = 2 AP
Religious Turmoil = 4 AP
Merry Go Roundin' = 8 AP
Sword-Head-Cat (Pokemon Meme) = 4 AP
Alyshia: Accessories and Armor, June AC = 4 AP
Alyshia: A Gift From The Earth Mother = 6 AP
Necrophilia = 8 AP
AP Tracker Busts: Comparison = 4 AP
--332 Mark--
Happy Second Anniversary! = 30 AP
SA: Do Not Fail Me (Collab) = 25 AP
Chapter IV Plot Completion = 20 AP
Snow Floofs = 8 AP
Starborn's Birthday Package 2017 = 10 AP
Family Collab = 16 AP
Dance For Me = 4 AP
Alyshia's Faction Meme = 20 AP
Alyshia: Inventory = 4 AP
In The Shadow of the Forest = 14 AP
Alyshia: The Vision = 46 AP
--529 Mark--
SA | A Haunting | Collab = 40 AP
Chapter V Plot Completion (Alyshia) = 20 AP
To Belong = 4 AP
March Activity Check = 13 AP
--606 Mark--
Calm Down, Noodle = 7 AP
Tiny Death Muffin = 9 AP
Alyshia: Happy For You = 9 AP
An Aodhian Tale: Page 1 = 20 AP
An Aodhian Tale: Page 2 = 19 AP
Happy Third Anniversary! = 30 AP
435 Skill Points-300 starting points
-Lvl 20 = 100 points
-Perks Bonus = 35 points
-Conditional = 25 points to strength (when weapon is in use)
Primary: Agility
"100 SP! Quick, graceful, and sure footed, you are now able to cross even the steepest mountains without issue. No terrain or rough footing can hold you back. Need to get through a tangled forest? No problem. Crossing a sandy desert? Pfft easy. Icey river crossings? Piece of cake with a bit of concentration."Secondary: Vitality
"At 100 SP you can run full speed for a mile without getting winded, and are capable of maintaining moderate speeds as long as needed without tiring. You are also capable of carrying/dragging another creature your size for up to a mile before your muscles begin to tire. Additionally, you are immune to most diseases and infections."Average: Strength
"At 75 SP you can push/pull things up to your own body weight, and can lift things up to 1/2 of your body weight using Telekinesis. With swooshy-stabby adrenaline you can push/pull things weighing twice as much as you do, and you can lift things weighing as much as you using Telekinesis."Average: Wisdom
"At 85 SP you’ve quickly figured out how to put all that bookworm knowledge to good use. You find it very easy to remember things you read as well as comprehending it, and as a result find it easier to do tasks unrelated to your rank or talents. You have made quite a name for yourself, and many horses seek you out for advice."Average: Speed
"At 50 SP, maximum speed is 30 mph."Weakness: Cunning
"... You're... clever??? Good for you."IN SHORT:
Alyshia gets her agility from living in a harsh terrain and from having trained with her mother as well as the Valkyries.
Alyshia doesn't go down easily and can keep up at strenuous physical tasks as long as she paces herself.
Alyshia has learned to harness the strength from her mother's side as a tool and a weapon.
Alyshia is literate and knows much of her world's lore and history by heart.
Alyshia has enough speed to keep up with her comrades.
Alyshia's quick thinking normally involves violence.
[Force Field Blessing: MAX]
"Enveloping force field capacity has increased. The dome can stretch fifteen feet in diameter and shield all horses beneath it, simultaneously preventing them from being detected by other Blessings as well (essentially 'off-radar.') With strong focus, the user can move the forcefield at a walking pace. Can be kept up for three to four hours."[Other Abilities: Summoning small singular shields, summoning 1-2 shields with a 5 ft. diameter, summoning a singular protective dome for the self]
[Duplication Blessing: MAX]
"User can now summon a tangible, independent thinking duplicate of him or herself. User’s sense are tied to the duplicate’s; they share pain, and the user can “see” through the duplicate’s eyes. User has power over summoning and banishment, but while it exists, the duplicate can act on its own, although they usually follow directives. Usually. Duplicate can easily utilize user’s Blessings (at half strength to whatever user’s Blessing level is)."[Other Abilities: Translucent non-sentient apparition]
[Astrologist Talent: 100 AP]
"You know all there is to know about Hireath's constellations and their corresponding lore, and you can use the stars to accurately navigate direction without fail. It is said that the gods created equines in their mortal image... but that their immortal form is that of the stars themselves. Sometimes when you've been looking to the stars long enough, you almost feel as if they are... speaking, to you, and strange visions dance across your gaze." [Hireath Zodiac] , [Kirin Zodiac] (for my benefit)[Combatant Talent: 100 AP]
"Equines with combatant tend to be a little brasher than others. They have a penchant for picking fights and jumping into the thick of a conflict, which can lead them to embarrassing defeats just as often as it leads to proud victories. But you've been diligent in training your body and mind for the spontaneity of a fight, and you've now got an eye for picking your battles in order to minimize any personal injury."[Valkyrie: 100 AP]
"Your hard work has been noticed, and paid off; you find yourself not only growing closer to your fellow Valkyries, but also your War Lord."RELATED REWARDS
"You find yourself not only growing closer to your fellow Valkyries, but also your War Lord. She rewards you with a lovely and deadly Steel Sword." (Valkyrie: 50 AP)
"Your training has given you newfound energy mentally & physically. Add +15 SP to Vitality or Agility." (Valkyrie: 75 AP)
"It's always best to be prepared when traveling, especially at night. Claim any item(s) from the Accessory shop for free with a 20 CS limit." (Astrologist: 75 AP)
"Note the group for a random vision of the past or future." (Astrologist: 100 AP)
"You've been diligent in training your body and mind for the spontaneity of a fight. Receive +10 SP in Agility." (Combatant: 50 AP)
"Receive any combination of items from the weapons shop with a total-max price of 20 CS!" (Combatant: 75 AP)
"Apply an additional +25 Strength to your stats whenever you're using a weapon that you own!" (Combatant: 100 AP)
*Note to self: Request chainmail blanket and small pouch for astrologist talent; hatchet for combatant talent. Update SP stats with the extra 20 SP and make note of the conditional +25 to strength!
Note: I am not a stickler. If you like the dumb set-up I have here then feel free to use it (as well as inform me so my ego may be further inflated.)
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