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Abiola: War-Forged NPC



2 AP (full body, no shading)

Alyshia: On Workin' Out by Svantanon
:bulletgreen:Name:         Abiola
:bulletgreen:Age:            15-17 years of age
:bulletgreen:Gender:       Male
:bulletgreen:Breed:         Common Horse
:bulletgreen:Height:        15 Hands
:bulletgreen:Patron God:  Unknown
:bulletgreen:Rank:           Raider
:bulletgreen:Ties To:        Alyshia of the War Forged

Abiola was part of the gang of colts who often clashed with Kathra and Alyshia; the only girls in Skeldr who refused to take their sh*t.  After a particularly brutal "spar" (see above) a wordless peace treaty of sorts was established between the six of them, although with Abiola it was something more of grudging tolerance at first.

Later on, Abiola didn't oppose Aly and Kathra's ambitions; if any mares could become warriors, it was probably them.  He guessed.  They were still a pair of total weirdos, though.  But they were weirdos that were a part of his gang, and that settled things.  They were pretty cool weirdos, admittedly.

Abiola is impulsive, short tempered, and somewhat high strung.

I am debating making this character free for adoption, so note me if you're interested.  Or just comment I guess, idk

Abiola has no confirmed familiars, blessings, or talents.
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1863x1251px 1.4 MB
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Sunstar-Of-The-North's avatar
He looks pretty intense.