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Comic: Rarity Goes to a Brony Convention



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Comic: How Pinkie Pie Found Gummy by artwork-tee | Comic: Angel Bunny Receives his Recompense by artwork-tee | Comic: Seatbelts, Everyone! by artwork-tee | Comic: The Replacement by artwork-tee | Comic: Spike's Fantasy by artwork-tee | Comic: This Ship Sails Itself by artwork-tee | Comic: Applejacks Big Test by artwork-tee | Comic: The Courage to Jump by artwork-tee
:iconpinkiepielaplz: :iconrainbowdashlaplz: :iconraritylaplz: :iconfluttershylaplz: :icontwilightlaplz: :icondiscordlaplz: :iconderpylaplz: :iconlunalaplz: :iconspikelaplz: :iconapplebloomlaplz: :iconscootaloolaplz: :iconsweetiebellelaplz: :iconbigmaclaplz: :iconzecoralaplz: :iconapplejacklaplz:

If Pinkie Pie went to a Brony Convention:
:iconpinkieismindfckedplz: Oh my gosh!  Look at all the people dressed as ME! 

If Twilight Sparkle went to a Brony Convention:
:icontwilightshappyplz: The number of adult males here is most unusual!  I'm not used to being around so many stallions, but hey, this is fun!
:icontwilight-rapefaceplz: I bet they will all love reading my original fanfiction!

If Applejack went to a Brony Convention:
:iconapplejackishappyplz: Sure, let's have another round of cider!  Ah love drinkin' with mah new friends! 
Hours later ...
:iconapplejackohnoesplz: Land sakes, ah'm so drunk ... *hic*

If Rainbow Dash went to a Brony Convention:
:iconrainbowdashnodplz: Why yes, I am awesome.  
:iconmsrainbowdash: I mean, I knew my fan club was big in Equestria ... looks like it's even bigger here. :iconwhywubwooplz:

If Fluttershy went to a Brony Convention:
:iconfluttershyisshyplz: Oh my ... everyone here is awfully loud ...
:iconshyfluttershyplz: *squeeeeeak* 

Just to avoid confusion, I'd like to point out that I am in no way trying to criticize bronies or brony conventions with this comic.  I simply wrote what I think would happen if Rarity was suddenly exposed to them with no context at all :D  And above you can see what I think would happen if it happened to the rest of the mane 6.  Brony conventions are some of the most awesome experiences I've ever had, both as an attendee and as a vendor, and I encourage everyone reading this to go to one if you can :) 

Also, congratulations to Phillip Double (PeichenPhilip here on DA) for winning our convention photo contest.  What awesome cosplays in the pic! And, thanks once again to StellarSynthesis for her help :) I'm so glad to have her on the team. 

The silhouette of Rarity in the second panel is the vector by Givralix
Background in panels 1 and 4 by mandydax

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"Horrifyingly beautiful."