the7eventhrider on DeviantArt

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uneasy passage



Handler name: Albatross 57766

Tokota Import: Bannik 71901

Prompt: New environments are scary for wild animals. Depict your handler taking their Tokota to a new environment, whether it's a farm, city, beach, etc. and how they comfort and reassure their Tokota.

Bonuses: +5 for The White Forest

Handler name: Sascha Zvezdakrov

Tokota Import: Vila 72083

Prompt: New environments are scary for wild animals. Depict your handler taking their Tokota to a new environment, whether it's a farm, city, beach, etc. and how they comfort and reassure their Tokota.

Bonuses: +5 for The White Forest

Image size
1606x1571px 3.82 MB
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