B-1281 Imperator Ex Ossibusthe7eventhrider on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the7eventhrider/art/B-1281-Imperator-Ex-Ossibus-512166930the7eventhrider

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B-1281 Imperator Ex Ossibus



B-1281:  Sub Imperium

Guys, the absolutely amazing ToxicCreed hosted a Equus Ballator: Pot Luck. Originally I wasn't going to enter since I've been easing out of the breed, but I couldn't pass up the chance to get an African or a Plains (neither of which I'd been lucky enough to have a chance at). Sure enough, luck was with me and I got a stunning Plains geno. I'm in love. :heart:

never designed a Tobiano before, so that was a trip .... interested to see if he'll pass O.o 

Edit:  Didn't know there was a specific foal design lineart, haha.  You can see this design on a Plains foal here: Imperator Ex Ossibus

Smokey Silver Blue Roan Calva Tobiano Hornstripe Rictus - Ee/aa/Rr/nZ/nCr/nCal/nT/nHs/nRi

+ 1 for Roan
+ 1 for Tobiano
+ 1 for Rictus
+ 2 for Calva
+ 2 for spined horns
+ 4 extra horns
+ 2 for hornstripe
13 Rarity [confirmation?]

----------------- SS: Canis Rabiosi Ref #F-092 [starter]
Bullet; Blue Bullet; Blue  Sire: B-214 - Fuligo ex Cranii
------------------------------------------ SDS: Mr. Fishy Fish  [starter]
----------------- SD: F-207 Tropicae Aurae
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDS: BPHS Procellis mons [starter]
------------------------------------------ SDD: F-139 Concordia  
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDD: Ros [starter]

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2992x2000px 1.69 MB
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ToxicCreed's avatar
Oh WOW He looks absolutely amazing :O I didn't expect a Blue Roan out of those two in the least either owo so that's awesome :heart:
Also I think Spiritus turned into a Shendu |D