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the10s's avatar

All Aboard!



All the characters in the scene are wearing ear plugs because I could imagine the giant train to be very loud. Weirdly enough, I was making train sounds as I was drawing.

I never provide explanations for my illustrations because I want the audience to make up short stories of their own without me explaining anything. I just did so now in it wasn't made obvious enough. What story could you make up of this picture? I always love hearing peoples' take on it. La la la la 

Head on over to my TUMBLR where details are more vivid.

Previous backgrounds:

The Squad by the10s Zeppelin by the10s Dream Factory Exterior by the10s

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3000x1612px 4.84 MB
© 2014 - 2024 the10s
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WendyMitchell's avatar
:iconwonderful-world: Congratulations! This work has been included in our latest Wonderful Wednesdays feature!