Submission Guidelines

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The-Yard-Collective's avatar


If you like what you read, please :+favlove: this article so it reaches more deviants

The Yard Collective features 4 main Galleries

1. The Street Photography Gallery (where everyone is welcome to submit their photos)
2. The Featured Gallery (where once per month, administrators of the group will select 5-10 images that will be showcased in the Featured Gallery and will be featured in a special Yard feature)
3. The Crew's Collection Gallery (where the admins of the group, suggest images from dA's street photographers)
4. The Street Basics Gallery (where you can find info, tips and tutorials about street photography in general)


(a) Images submitted to the group's Street Photography Gallery are accepted after the administrators vote on them.

(b) Everyone can submit up to 2 images per week, except from the crew of the group who can submit up to 1 image only.
(c) You may ask for a critique if your image is not accepted on the group and if time permits, you will get one.

(d) All images should be submitted to the "Street Photography" gallery.

(e) Only admins can submit street photos that caught their attention to the "The Crew's collection" gallery.

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DurgaTruex's avatar
One question, due to the predominance of b+w in your group, are you not in favor of color images?