Flutterings Nature Beethe-stock-project on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/the-stock-project/art/Flutterings-Nature-Bee-73082547the-stock-project

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the-stock-project's avatar

Flutterings Nature Bee



***Originally created by =Flutterings [link] for the original. This is a club copy!***

=Flutterings has given permission for this project to post her stock images for you to use.

Please click here to view The Stock Project rules.

Stock Rules
+ Please credit me and the-stock-project in the Artists Notes
+ Please comment on my front page / drop me a note / comment on the stock used if you use it
+ If you use it outside of DeviantART let me know where
+ Yes you can sell prints including my stock without asking
+ Be creative and have fun!
+ Don't repost the same photo as your own or with simple filters / hue / colour changes. Its not big and its not clever.
+ If I don't fave your piece that includes my stock keep reminding me, as I am forgetful.

:iconflutterings: :iconthe-stock-project:
Image size
640x479px 755.8 KB
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