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Hermione: Book vs. Fanfic



I actually liked Hermione as a character until I started reading fanfic. SO LAME.

:iconmakani: did something like this for Draco (which was hilarious, btw), so this idea isn't very original. But I think after my five-zillionth fanfic in which "Mione" (shudder) does Dallas, Snape, every Weasley in the clan (sometimes twice), Draco, Harry, Snarry, BiSnarry, ChiLSnarry, etc., etc....I had to draw this. I mean, seriously, isn't there any fiction about Hermione??? You know, the bookish, slightly dorky girl on the left...

Texture courtesy of the pavement outside my office building.
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863x623px 607.71 KB
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ofTheFleshofTheSoul's avatar

The left image is still toned down in awkwardness. When she first meets Harry and Ron, she's described as such: "She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth."