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Random Balloon Boy Meme's



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More silly meme's that I did that I don't consider "Art", these are merely quick stuff I did with the Balloon Boy on photoshop.

Left: You guys would probably be expecting this one.

Top right: I had a thought to edit BB's pose and make him listen to headphones, in addition, he's listening to "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley which was in the charts in 1987, being true to the year FNAF 2 is set in. I also feel I'm reviving an old meme.

Bottom Right: I'm sure allot of people felt that Foxy and BB were working together to take the guard down in FNAF 2 and I thought it would be funny for that to be more justified.

Balloon Boy and Five Nights at Freddy's (C) Scott Cawthon

Meme's (C) :iconthe-rozothian-fox:
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fnafloverfavfoxy's avatar

fuck dis shit (gets Shot gun BAM) RIP balloon boy