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The Ever-Changing World



Synopsis: Tate Holland's life has become one of routine: going to work, looking after his sister, and going to a sports bar with friends once a week. However, some big changes have occurred that he soon notices. He sees many men getting smaller and slimmer, more subservient. On the other hand the women become bigger, stronger and more dominant. Why is it that Tate not only notices these changes, but is unaffected himself?

This one's developmental story was interesting, at least from my end. I originally had plans for a three-parter of a story. Things end up changing up behind the scenes and ended up with just a one-shot 25 pager. I'm not surprised with some readers thinking how it feels rushed near the end. In the end, I hope to at least revisit this idea sometime in the future, if not on this site than on another.

Written by: :iconthe-rolling-thunder:
Artwork by: Wang (Sedna Studio)
Image size
2048x1448px 932.66 KB
© 2016 - 2024 The-Rolling-Thunder
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kaisai134's avatar
I just read it earlier today. I have to say I really enjoyed it. Yeah, it felt pretty rushed near the end of it. But, overall, it was a good story. ^^