Favourite Visual Artist
Don't have one yet! You guys get to impress me!
Favourite TV Shows
I don't watch TV. I don't have cable.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Evanescence, Simple Plan, Three Days Grace, Hillary Duff, Linkin Park, Green Day, Skillet, 30 Seconds to Mars, Black Eyed Peas, Drowning Pool, Owl City, SIXX: A.M., Get Scared, Sum 41, Rammstein, Panic at the Disco, and others
Favourite Books
Too many to list, but my top five are Harry Potter, Warriors, Ranger's Apprentice, The Gravity Keeper (read this book, it's awesome!), and The Hunger Games.
Favourite Writers
Whoever wrote all this. They are all equally awesome!
Favourite Games
Um... Tag? Hide and Seek? Truth or Dare when it's not my turn?
Favourite Gaming Platform
Favorite what?
Tools of the Trade
Pencil. Or computer graphics I guess. Or words.
Other Interests
WRITING! I'm currently writing my own book! It's titled "Hello, This Is Your Authoress Speaking." I also like cats, singing, dancing, and Anime! Yay Anime!