Pinkie Screensaver (With Sound)The-Paper-Pony on DeviantArt

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Pinkie Screensaver (With Sound)

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*Big Edit*

I went ahead and gave in to a lot of comments saying that this needed sound. So I went ahead and dug through all the libraries of sound bytes I could get ahold of. I hope you enjoy it. (I added a mute button in case you don't like it)

Screensaver will still play as muted since I can't add a default setting with InstantStorm. Hope you enjoy!

Music Credits: May the Best Pet Win Deadhor5 remix

**/Big Edit**

Well, here is my first full fledged animation. It was exhausting, but fun.

And thank you for taking the time to watch. :)

If you're interested, this animation was created from this storyboard Pinkie Pie Screensaver: WiP: Storyboard 1 by The-Paper-Pony


OK, where do I begin...?

First off, THANK YOU ALL FOR THE COMMENTS/FAVS!!! It makes Pinkie happy too ^_^

EQD! I can't believe it, big thanks to whoever submitted this to them.

I do plan to add sound/background/more scenes in the near future. I just wanted to upload this once it was substantial enough to stand as its own short.

Also check out Derpy Screensaver (With Sound) by The-Paper-Pony Avast! Fluttershy at 150 BPM (+Screensaver) by The-Paper-Pony
Image size
1280x720px 506.73 KB
© 2012 - 2025 The-Paper-Pony
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wayneaking95's avatar

The drop box link is broken or it not there any more!