11x14 Ember ShadowboxThe-Paper-Pony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the-paper-pony/art/11x14-Ember-Shadowbox-607419998The-Paper-Pony

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11x14 Ember Shadowbox



Etsy link: www.etsy.com/listing/279297382…

After watching the episode with Ember in it, we knew we had to make a shadowbox of her! Not only was she adorable in the show but we knew we could make a pretty cool design and that she would look amazing in paper. She is pretty difficult to build, being a dragon and all. She has a lot of detailed skinny lines and tiny dots that make her hard to craft. Her scales, the crystal on her staff and the shadows of the dragons in the background are crafted from glitter. Plus, she has a pretty full background! She is made for an 11x14 frame.
Image size
1325x1132px 1.36 MB
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DylanCArt's avatar
Nice art work you did.