'Monsters and Damsels' ArtJam Rules

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The-Mind-Controller's avatar
Well I've been getting some positive feedback and some people have told me they already have theirs ready, so here are the rules:

1. Each work has to at least have 1 damsel and 1 monster.

2. Each art has to show the monster putting the girl in some kind of peril.  Bondage, sleepy, hypnosis, carry, bear hugs, whatever.

3.  All works have to be new (meaning not already on DA.)  Now if you just happen to have an art that you never posted anywhere, that's fine as long as it fits in with the other guidelines posted above.

4.   In your artists comment you must state that this is for my Art Jam I am hosting.  You must also send me a link of your work if you are not already on my watch list.  I will be putting the work in a special Art Jam folder in my favorites so this is why.

5.  You can submit as many works as you wish.  There is no limit to the number of works a member can do.

6.  Have Fun! :D

The Art Jam will start October 1st to Halloween Night!

Any Questions?

Entrees so far:

"BRAINZ" by :iconwhite0wlsuperheroine:.


"Anya Eaten By A Monster" by :iconanyastorm:


Is anyone else going to participate in this Halloween Art Jam? Only 8 days left.

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Writer4Commissions's avatar
If you ever have another art jam, I'll be more prepared :D