Wheelchair Races: A Dumb JokeThe-Mind-Controller on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the-mind-controller/art/Wheelchair-Races-A-Dumb-Joke-256298279The-Mind-Controller

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Wheelchair Races: A Dumb Joke



I did this as an example of a very dumb joke that is often said to wheelchair bound people when they in pairs or in a group together. Being I'm in a chair myself, I can't tell you how many times people have come up to me and another wheelchair friend and been asked: "Are you guys gonna race?" or "Wanna Race?" I remember one time a guy thought he was being funny and pretended he was dropping the checkered flag. :P

What these idolts don't realize is once a wheelchair person has heard these a million times it just isn't funny anymore.

Anyway I thought I'd show just how stupid the metaphor really is by having DC's Barbara Gordon/Oracle & Marvel's X-Men leader, Professor X racing their wheelchairs down the street.


Done in Second Life.

Retouched in MS Paint & Inkscape.
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1089x841px 134.66 KB
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Doornik1142's avatar
Instead of wheelchair racing, how about wheelchair jousting?