Favourite genre of music: Heavy Metal, E.D.M, (among others)
Favourite photographer: ...
Operating System: Anything that's not an product of Apple
MP3 player of choice: Zune
I really enjoy seeing fanart/stories involving my characters. It's always entertaining to see how other artist interpret my creations.
The Creepypasta character(s) Nazar & the Judge, as well as the Digimon-based Creepypasta KeraNom, are my creations. You're allowed to use them without asking me for permission (though I don't mind if you do, either way works for me), just make sure you credit me as their owner in the deviation's description.
They're not (c) Creepypasta like Jeff or Eyeless Jack!
Currently toying with the possibility of doing art trades...
Thank you for the fave!