The-Kreep-art's avatar


Brazillia R. Kreep
3 Watchers40 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: Chicago
Favourite genre of music: Trance
Favourite style of art: Pop

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City of lost Children
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Brazillia R. Kreep"[The Kreep is]…a Gothic poet and illustrator in the tradition of Edward Gorey." -Rob Elder, Chicago TribuneI was born Brazillia R. Kreep in Lizzard Point, NY on October 31, 1756.The city was named after my great, great grandfather Brazillia L. Kreep. The "L" is for Lizzard and has been passed down through several generations. I am an author of dark ethereal poetry, prose, and musical cabarets. Please visit my hauntings here or where ever my links will take E†ernity, The Kreep READ THE KREEP WATCH THE KREEP LISTEN TO THE MUSIC OF THE KREEP BEFRIEND THE KREEP TWEET THE KREEP READ ABOUT THE KREEP
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I want my new book of Gothic poems KREEPLETS to be sublime. In this quirky quest, I am diligently teaching myself to draw with a mouse. It's quite difficult and the mouse doesn't like it very much, and squeals from time t'time. Not to mention his head is all blackened from the ink.My mouse is named E†ernity, The KreepKREEPY KRUMBS READ THE KREEP WATCH THE KREEP BE-FAN THE KREEP- FACE BOOK BEFRIEND THE KREEP - MYSPACE BITE THE KREEP - VAMPIRE FREAKS
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A photo in my faves by the completely talented Necrania Art featuring model Víla Mračilka of gorgeous mind n' soul inspired a poem about a woman scorned by love, and her desire to take her life by self incrimination. VILA, DEAR Lovely luring Vila, dear How she taunted winds t'jeer Water colored blustery skies Drenched our brood n' whistling flies Whipped clouds t'hide a sunny day Then stood upon a passage way Cleared her throat t'scream a pitch Declared she was a willful witchBlithely blaring Vila, dear Made summer boil shade n' tier Winters o' so frosty fair Lightening fingering the air Toads upon the village goad Stamped her foot a m...
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Profile Comments 3

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Happy New Year to The Kreep!

Thanks for favs! :)
Your work is quite exceptional. Thank you most sincerely.

A devoted fan.