Verity as Furry Development Sketches 1the-gneech on DeviantArt

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Verity as Furry Development Sketches 1



Verity, who was intended for Arclight Adventures but never actually appeared except for on the cover ( [link] ), re-visioned as a leopard for a story idea I'm noodling around with that would team her up with Tanya ( [link] ). I think I've pretty well settled on leopard as her species, but I'm still trying to settle on a typical spotty type, or "black panther" type.

Thoughts, anyone?
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CasanovaUnlimited's avatar
So, because she doesn't show up in chapter 1 means she won't show up at all? :P

If you're going to take her the spotted furry route, you gotta remember where every single spot is =P