Karmakat Commish 2/4the-gneech on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the-gneech/art/Karmakat-Commish-2-4-474096956the-gneech

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the-gneech's avatar

Karmakat Commish 2/4



So apparently these take place sometime in the 1-4 year period after the end of the original SJ comic, as it's after Tiffany and Leonard get married, but before the actual birth of their son Louis.

(Trivia: Louis Liger is known as "Little Louis" to distinguish him from Tiffany's brother Louis Tiger, who is known as "Big Louis," even though Little Louis eventually grows to be something like twice Big Louis's height.)
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MetalicSoul's avatar
Welp when someone's brain goes and gets broken, it takes a lot to get that back together.