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25 Essential Expressions-- Verity



One of the things I always regretted about my previous comics was that I never really put a lot of the professional-level homework into them, not the least of which is an expressions sheet. So for my current one, I decided to remedy this. I grabbed this template for the task:


Holy cats, this is a lot more work than it looks like. But on the upside, I now have a proper expressions reference for Verity. The hardest one to settle on was actually "flirty," as Verity is not exactly a seething cauldron of self-assurance and social adeptitude. (Is that a word?) So I went with "giggly and embarrassed" instead, which is pretty much how she'd react to anybody she really found attractive. "Fierce" and "rage" were tough choices as well, considering how neither of those things Verity tends to be.

I'll need to do one of these for Tanya too, but I have some time before that since she doesn't actually appear until about 5 pages into the comic.
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carlfoxmarten's avatar
She looks rather cute here. =^.^=