Yuzhi the Piscicolid Monster GirlThe-Episiarch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the-episiarch/art/Yuzhi-the-Piscicolid-Monster-Girl-893607259The-Episiarch

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Yuzhi the Piscicolid Monster Girl



"Welcome to the ocean! The water is fine and most importantly, ALIVE! Now what would you like? Dinner? A swim? Or perhaps a game of... TAG?"

The oceans of this world are inhabited by formidable Leviathans, making it a hazardous environment for land-dwellers - but it is an endless playground for Yuzhi and her friends. For them, the bodies of those fearsome ocean-going behemoths are like mobile cafes - a place where you can grab a meal and hang out with friends (much to the annoyance of Cynthia). Yuzuhi appreciates the simple and finer things in life - a good hearty meal and a spirited game of "Tag" with friends.

Designer note:
Yuzhi is based on a family of leeches called Pisciolidae which parasitise fish, in particular, the design of the lower half of her body is heavily based on a specific genus called Pontobdella - which parasitise sharks.  Her name Yuzhi, is a a fairly common unisex Chinese name. But it can also be phonetically interpreted as "鱼蛭" (Yú zhì) or "fish leech". Those long grey things attached to her and her speargun are spermatophores - for reference, see twitter.com/oriannesociety/sta…
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Moonclaw32's avatar

This is so cool and well thought out!!