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DBR Masked Saiyans



"Masked Saiyan" Bardock
Born: AGE 711 (~28+ years old)
Race: Saiyan
Home: Planet Vegeta
Battle Power: ?????
Occupation: Enslaved Space Pirate
Goals: To do what his masters order

"Masked Saiyaness" Gine
Born: AGE 712 (~27+ years old)
Race: Saiyan
Home: Planet Vegeta
Battle Power: ?????
Occupation: Enslaved butcher
Goals: To do what her masters order

Showcased Transformations:
Bardock - Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2

At the cost of their freedom, these two Saiyans were spared their fate in the destruction of planet Vegeta thanks to the interference of Towa and Mira. The masks they are forced to wear subjugates their wills to the commands of the Time Breakers they now serve and increases their power via a combination of technology and sorcery. While the unfortunate souls who don them remain conscious of their surroundings and their actions, their former selves have been subdued in the back of their minds. Regardless of their own desires, they are forced to carry out orders like a drone on autopilot. After their enslavement, the masked duo are tasked with collecting kiri from throughout history on behalf of their masters. Their actions of distorting history often bring them into conflict with Trunks and the Time Patrol.

Similar to the male outfit being a Saiyan equivalent to Mira's clothing, the female version is based off the Time Breaker Majin characters Shun Shun and Haru Haru from Dragon Ball Online/Heroes.

The series of submissions labeled under the title of DB Redux are part of a fan rewrite of the official series. Anything that you see in the art or description that varies from the original manga or anime sources is most likely intentional. While I appreciate that you are taking the time to look at my gallery and notice these differences, I do not require a comment on what needs "correcting" because it wasn't "originally like that". 

However, if you'd like to discuss these changes, or the project in general, you're welcome to join my DB Redux Discord server for the community members, an early look at finished & WIP character art and links to full battle power lists.

Thank you, and please enjoy!

Dragon Ball (Z, GT, etc.), copyright to Toriyama Akira, Shueisha, Toei Animation, etc.
No part of this gallery may be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of  The-Devils-Corpse
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715x601px 275.24 KB
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SamhainsBunny's avatar
Masked gine looks badass, just like masked bardock.