the-bird-is-the-word on DeviantArt

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the-bird-is-the-word's avatar

Kirby's Victory Dance



Sorry it's so small. I made it 50x50 pixels so I could use it as my avatar.

Please ask me if you want to use it as your avatar and give me credit if asked who made it.

Note: If you also want, I may make it with an alternative color pallette (orange kirby, green kirby, etc). Just send me a note with a request.
Image size
50x50px 6.81 KB
© 2009 - 2024 the-bird-is-the-word
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Tazerbrosinc's avatar
hello may I use this in my signature on a website called Chicken Smoothie

I will credit it of course

also if your up for it green Kirby is under represented :333 but just ignore me i'm just a greedy SOB