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un-opened Fella and Super Llama plushies for sale
I have two Fella Plushies and two Super Llama plushies for sale on my ebay page.
Indefinite hiatus from DA
Hi guys, Sorry but i will not be updating my DA profile any time in the near future.
The community has let me down a few too many times for me to put any more of my resources into it. Ive put in thousands of dollars and countless hours of my time to try help artists grow and also to create a sense of community within the groups that i run, However being met with little to no encouragement from the community, receiving no help when i really need it and essentially being faced with self entitled "artists" who think they are the centre of the world honestly doesn't make me want to continue to help.
Oh and the art theft, lets not even get start
I'm back and ready to get artsy!
So it has been a while since I have been active on deviatnart and I am sorry for that, however I do have good reasons for not being all that active.
My personal life got out of hand and I really needed to retreat and become a hermit for a little while.
but now everything is back to normal and I am ready to start sharing my artwork with the world again, as well as run my group Digital-Art-Club ( and start up my feature series again.
I will be pre-writing some 'Feature This!' entries and will make a schedule for them, i'll also be working on updating Digital-Art-Club ( and setting up the new folder system as well as the new journal skin and the
'Feature this' is returning!!
I will be re-starting my weekly features again very soon, they will be cross posted to Digital-Art-Club ( and will feature work from across deviantart as well as from the group!
I'll be doing some individual artists features, will also be trying to do a contest at some point.
Apart from that a massive thank you to everyone who has been sending hugs :) much appreciated.
© 2013 - 2024 The-Average-Alex
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This one you featured, the guy did not draw it. It's official art from the game release and he is not the author: [link] I don't think he drew any of the art in his gallery as I found other artists who own them. It's very confusing. Is he stealing?