What the Flux!The--Kyza on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/the--kyza/art/What-the-Flux-511691704The--Kyza

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February 25, 2015
What the Flux! by The--Kyza
Featured by cinyu
Suggested by KPEKEP
The--Kyza's avatar

What the Flux!

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My time is kinda scarce lately so I kinda had to rush through this. I have two more planned which I really want to do, so hopefully you'll see more from me.

I've always wondered what a DeTomaso Pantera would have looked like as a time machine instead of the not-so-trustworthy Delorean haha. So here it is, a mixture of photo bashing & painting, just my modern-ish interpretation of one. I had to add Marty in as well becuase..well..it's Marty (his face is a little odd but the time issue got in the way). Haha

Hope you like it!

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1800x960px 1.33 MB
© 2015 - 2025 The--Kyza
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Trekker1977's avatar

ok do I need to be reading this at 12:00 on Monday to invoke this supposed killer spirit? because I want to make sure the Ghostbusters are there 😂