Japanese Masking Patternsthatdesigngrl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/thatdesigngrl/art/Japanese-Masking-Patterns-292739542thatdesigngrl

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Japanese Masking Patterns



A few weeks ago I received the above masking stickers from Japan and had hopes on making digital versions as soon as I had some free time. I took out every single sheet and tried to make an exact replica of every single pattern by hand. The outcome was 20 high resolution 1600x1000 patterns. This project was so much work but your all worth it for sure. This is an item that I will be placing in my Etsy shop but I am giving it away to all my LPS readers for one week only so grab it while you can.

You can even print these off for some great backgrounds for pictures and other projects. The sticker sheets actually have various tape like shapes and some circle ones as well. So you can even make those, they would great!

sorry everyone the host I had them on shut down and I lost the files, but I will make some new ones and post them so watch out :)
Image size
600x418px 290.34 KB
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