Thagirion's avatar


What Powers Will You Give Me
59 Watchers373 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
My Bio

Happy Valentines stamp by Sheila-M-Carlo

Star!Wanted Digital InkerStar! I am looking for someone that enjoys my art and is willing to help me ink some of my works. You must be able to ink at my level or better. I will need the ink work in a PSD document on a clear layer. I need to know I can count on you to deliever in a timely manner so if you are in school and this will be a problem please do not apply. Contact me through a Note. I have some comic art in the works and could use a partner.

Welcome to my Gallery. I am a self taught artist and proud of this. I enjoy my own works and am here to have nice conversations with those of you that also enjoy them.
The primary focus of my art is my Thagirion Realm story. You will likely see me talk often about my characters Cope, Ophidius, Gallemotch, Owen, Solan and the rest. It's a very complex universe I have created so do please take the time to look through the gallery or bios. My story is mostly sci-fi driven and very dark and disturbing with sick twisted humor. I love action as well and I do my best to draw my characters in dynamic action poses.

Apart from this I am also very much into science and biology. I am a bird lover. Budgies and quetzals are my favorite birds. I am very knowledgeable when it comes to ornithology. I have a BS in Biology and have had experience in breeding many rare parrots and animal husbandry from zoo work. I'm very good at drawing birds but seldom draw them anymore. That said, I prefer to look at other people's bird art than make my own. But sometimes I will include a budgie or a quetzal in my work. But I do enjoy talking about birds. I like plants too and enjoy raising cucurbits, passiflora, nepenthes and aristolochia to name a few. All weird and unusual plants. Not your common garden variety stuff.

I am a metal head and love true metal like power, melodic black and melodic death. Kalmah is my favorite band and this influences my art quite a bit.

I am into Myers Briggs psychology. My personality type is: INTJ. INTJ FAQ

Bullet; Pink I expect active participation from my watchers. Do not watch me if you will not leave nice comments on my art and journals.

Languages Spoken: English, Español

:iconcutellamaplz: I give out random llamas. Usually to those that visit me for the first time as a Thanks. It's not necessary to give one back but but I would appreciate it if you did. Please do return. Aww Fancy Llama by ChibiArtist99 Untitled by

Member since Dec 16, 2004.

Commissions - Open by SweetDuke No Requests by SweetDuke Paypal Stamp by artist4com As Me About Icon Trades by Leeanix
Star!Commission pricesStar!:

Bullet; Green Demon #9 Needs name.
Bullet; Blue Current obsession: Scary Fear
Bullet; Pink George's voice: Here, Here and Here.

My Rules - See if I am right for you:bulletred:Please do not watch me if you will not be active and comment:bulletred: I expect participation. Do not not fave without commenting. :bulletred: I clean out my watchers twice a year. If you do not follow this rule you will be removed. Meaning YOU will no longer be watching ME. Not the other way around:bulletred: :bulletred: If you have been blocked and you do not know why, it is likely you faved too much without commenting or responding to my questions. The other reason may be that you're a jerk and an idiot and I don't like you. In which case there's no hope. :bulletred: Do not leave one word comments. If you have something wort...

Love Comments Stamp by Garetiem Intense Metal-fan Stamp by deadlyMETAL Typical INTJ Stamp by Leeanix Kalmah band stamp by hmryz Favorite Characters Stamp by Stamp221
Fire-4 elements project- by Loisa I Love Cruising stamp by Leeanix I Love Quetzals Stamp by Leeanix Opposing Views Not Wanted Stamp by Leeanix Original Character Personality by Stamp221
Untitled by Aqua Heart Stamp by AHMED-ART Scary Fear Fan stamp by Malidicus Favorite Character Stamp 2 by Stamp221
Self taught artist - stamp by Eirene86 Get Something Out of It by i-stamp Comment Before You Favourite by BoffinBrain THEY MUST HAZ GF OR BF by Its-An-Inferno I Love Centipedes Stamp by Leeanix
Untitled by I Dont Watch Back STAMP by Puff-Dahh Awesome by stuck-in-suburbia Your Right To My Opinion by Foxxie-Chan I Love The 80s by SpyHunterStamps
Untitled by Happily Married Gamer Stamp by draconiangem Powerwolf Stamp by Leeanix My Respect by i-stamp

Mature Content

I hate porn stamp by RanStamps

Writer Stamp by AkatsukiMemberWoolfy I Kill My Characters by MysteriousBob777 stamp by alwaslgirl No Critique Desired Stamp by Leeanix My Gallery is Clean STAMP by Puff-Dahh
I :heart: my ACTIVE watchers by StampsByNeekko Pluto is Number Nine by Stable-san Untitled by STAMP: Personally... by StampsGoneMissing Right-wing Politics by Dont--Tread--On--Me

The rest of my stamp collection HERE

Centipede divider haaha by Linkenna

Favourite Movies
Jurassic Park, Face Off, Lord of War, Swordfish, Independence Day, Fly Away Home
Favourite TV Shows
Stunt Dawgs, old SpongeBob, Star Trek TNG, DS9, Voyager, Gilligan's Island
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Neil Diamond, Powerwolf, Sonata Arctica, Kalmah, Running Wild, Graveworm, Iron Savior, Amon Amarth
Favourite Books
Moby Dick, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Jurassic Park, science books
Favourite Games
Primal Rage Arcade, Mass Effect 2, Saints Row 2, Bully, Fallout, Red Dead Redemption
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Pentel .05 pencil, photoshop
Other Interests
Birds, Centipedes, Cephalopods, Demons, Budgies, True Metal, Science, Biology, My own characters, photography
I can't believe I've been here on DA for 18 years. Ha, I'm likely one of the few senior members on this site that saw almost all the changes from the start. Well as long as the internet holds here's to another 18. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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Today Dec 16th is my 17th anniversary here on DA. I joined this place 17 years ago and I'm still going strong. It was a much better place back then and sadly every change has only made this place worse. There was a mass exodus when they introduced this hideous new layout called eclipse, but I am still in contact with the raptor pack and most of my friends. Of course I'm still here and I'm still cranking out the Fear art. I'm so thankful that people love him and I have worked hard over the years to develop quite story for him and the others. This year has been great too just like the last two years were. Chris and I are doing great. We celebrated our 25th anniversary this past Oct. Minion my talking budgie has reached 230 words and is a popular little bird in his own right. I managed to grow some small pumpkins this year which is a feat unto itself, and I am mastering some new art forms and enjoying it. I am hoping to finish this year's Christmas card soon. If not I have a
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Click on the title to read properly. I'm super late for this year's birthday wishlist. But better late than never. If anyone wants to buy me a gift just because and you're searching for ideas here's a link that shows what I'd love to get. No one is obligated of course. Also gift art of Scary Fear would be wonderful as always. Or of my budgie Minion. He's a purple opaline budgie. Fear's character sheet is in my gallery so there's no reason for him to be drawn wrong. Things are going great. This year marks the 25th or silver anniversary with my amazing husband Chris. I have the best talking budgie in the world currently. My carnivorous plants are doing quite well. I had my first successful seed harvest of nepenthes. Been doing a lot of product testing for green houses. And recently got into keeping frogs. I had a road trip this year and did a solo drive again North Carolina and back a few months ago. So yeah this year is shaping up nicely too. I am blessed and things are
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Profile Comments 3.9K

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And to think that this chick even had her own encyclopedia dramatic

Hi, I’ve read your article on LiveJournal about a certain user on here. Looks like he’s been giving you trouble as well.

Hi. Sorry for the late reply. Glad you like my LJ. Nope I haven't had any trouble in a very long time. I just log some of the best flamewars I get from idiots.

I wish there was a way to turn off the offical DA updates. I really don't care about any advertisements they send me.  All changes over the decades have always been for the worst.

Speaking of updates, there’s an update in the comments section in art pieces that give you suggestions (Example: My favorite part of the deviation is…) which I personally don’t like. Sorry if you have heard of it, but do like it.

That's dumb and pointless. Comments are for saying what you like.  Why have something redundant like that.  I agree.  I'm on a computer so luckily I don't see that feature yet.

I’m on my phone so unfortunately I see that feature…