Tha-Group's avatar


Years Ago
47 Members44 Watchers

Comments 36

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Hey, im just curious what it takes to have a picture put into the gallery. Because I only submitted one piece of art and its a piece that is definitely my best. Im not saying im amazing or even worthy of having my art put in but im just curious on what it actually takes to GET in...
I can't specify what exacly, that makes us accept a suggestion. As you say yourself - pick your very best, and let us do the rest.

If we doesn't accept the pictures to our galley, it doesn't mean it's not good enough. There can be other reasons, therefore please read our submitting rules.

Eventually read this journal aswell: [link] .

If you got any other questions, please write again! :)
well sense as far as i can tell i broke no rules i just wont submit it again it probably wasn't good enough. thank you though ^^.
This group is active or not?
Hey there, and welcome to Tha-Group!

Sorry I haven't been much active around here lately - a lot of stuff came up recently, and I've been unable to check what's new here.

The group is still going strong, as long as the members are willing to submit new artwork and view eachothers work. :)
I am here, but my works are pending, one is expired..
Thanks for the invitation..