Fubar Litestep themeTh0max on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/th0max/art/Fubar-Litestep-theme-115758698Th0max

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Fubar Litestep theme



Fubar litestep theme made by me :)

Please report any bugs you may find.

This litestep theme is open source, so do whatever you want with it. Mods can be released without my permission, but some credits would be nice

This theme has a startmenu with shortcuts to the most used apps, a lsxcommand which you can use to execute bangs and search the internet and a shutdown dialogue which you can use to shutdown, resboot, or log off your computer.
The icon on the bottom taskbar is a trash can, you can drop files into it like a normal folder. To delete files, just hold down Shift and press the icon :)
The System tray is located at the end of the top taskbar, it's shows when you hover over with your mouse.
A simple winamp controller is located to the left side of the clock.

Thanks to all the people that helped my out. And a huge thanks to imrik for leting my use the icons from the AMANA iPhone theme.
Please visit 4impressions.net for more awesome stuff from imrik and the 4impressions crew.

Fubar Visual Style: [link]

Have a nice day :)
© 2009 - 2024 Th0max
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Red-Steel's avatar
really nice LS themes man :D:peace: