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Collab Comic (Yolanda's Day, part 2)



Second part of our comic! Now the changes arrive, at last!

Part 1: Part 1

Will Yolanda manage to forestall the changes surging through her unwilling body? Oh wait, I already said she would change :P sorry about that.

Anyway, because it's more than fair, here's a description of Yolanda's and Ji-woo's powers, as conceived by me and Gearlordex:
Yolanda Kimberley Kyoh and Ji-woo Kyoh are two sides of the same coin, moreso than other cursed girls in their school. That's because it's unclear which is the original girl and who is the curse. Even to their parents, a Korean father and an American mother, they treat the two girls as their two daughters, even if the two of them might only be one.
The mystery comes from the nature of their changes. Every time she chews on anything, the personality and appearance of Yolanda emerge. On the other side, if Yolanda is currently not in the process of chewing any solid material, Ji-woo takes over. Yolanda can't just mimick the movement with an empty mouth, she has to actually use her jaw to chew on a solid object, like a chewing gum or any food. This means the girls end up changing many times a day, and have to be clever not to get caught by people.
In particular, Yolanda is very controlling and wary of changing into Ji-woo, so she often carries with her chewing gums to keep her at bay while she's not eating her meals. The only time Yolanda can't chew is when she's asleep, so when she goes to bed she's aware that she'll wake up the next morning as Ji-woo. Her counterpart, on the other hand, is much more permissive with these changes, and will gladly eat to bring Yolanda out. However, there are times when even she will avoid eating anything at all...

There you have it, folks. I hope you enjoy this.

EDIT: I forgot I hadn't put text in the two first panels. HAHAHA, I'm so forgetful sometimes.
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