teygrim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/teygrim/art/Open-Minded-245383615teygrim

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Open Minded



When Luna asked Twilight if she would like to watch her raise the moon, Twilight didn't realise that the moon princess was asking her out on a date; especially when Celestia decided to tag along. After watching Luna fulfil her spectacular duty, an excited Twilight asked the princess hundreds of question. Luna was all too happy to answer with hint of pride.

After a while, there was a moment of silence as Twilight gazed at the moon and the stars while Luna gazed at Twilight. And, before Twilight realised what was happening, Luna's lips were pressed against her own.


I've always thought of Twilight as straight but I think the shipping of her and Luna is adorable so I made this comic as a joke.
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Zoeyshadows1576's avatar

talk about over protective big sister mode^^;

also great comic :D :clap: