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Some of you may recognize the sketch. It's like... a month old at least xD I've just been so busy x_X Sorry you guys that have commissions waiting. I just needed to finish this for a birthday present to myself 
Part of my new years resolution was to well.. obviously constantly get better, but also to have art worthy for a Daily Deviaton. Oddly enough I did get a DD today but it was for one of my tutorials xD
I think I'm going to do what `ctJemm says and keep a folder of awesometastic artwork and constantly strive to surpass that. Haha some of those that is sooooo not happening.

Part of my new years resolution was to well.. obviously constantly get better, but also to have art worthy for a Daily Deviaton. Oddly enough I did get a DD today but it was for one of my tutorials xD
I think I'm going to do what `ctJemm says and keep a folder of awesometastic artwork and constantly strive to surpass that. Haha some of those that is sooooo not happening.
Image size
505x582px 299.85 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Tetiel
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Just looking at this picture turned me into a fan!!!
Everything about this drawing is nearly perfect, from top to bottom, front to back!<img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="

I love the position you gave Red, the expression on her face is amazing, the way you made her look scared. The angle you made the picture from is great too, the background is bright an damazing. And the light tinting her clothes is an excellent shade too.
The clothes and hair are just like depicted in fairy tales, but with a more stylish twist. Her large eyes signify her age, and make her face Moe~~ <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="

The picture sends out a lot of messages, and is foreshadowing what will happen later. But overall, this is amazing.
The few mistakes would probably be, her mouth, i don't quite understand why it is open. It's almost as if she is about to scream, or whisper something eerily.
Also, the basket. I have to say, the basket looks like it doesn't belong there. There is nothing inside it, or as far as i can tell, there's nothing inside it. And purple doesn't match with red, perhaps you could have tried brown, orange, or red?
The reasons I rated your deviation...
Vision: The vision of seeing her like this and then drawing it in a brilliant and bright drawing.
Originality: I am sorry, but I'm sure that Red Riding Hood is not very original.
Technique: I love exactly how you drew it! So, I don't have much to say about it...
Impact: The art and colors, everything almost sculps the picture into your mind.<img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="

I love it!<img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="