Pick Your Wordstetemeko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tetemeko/art/Pick-Your-Words-172990940tetemeko

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tetemeko's avatar

Pick Your Words



When I write, I must consider two important things:
The Path that the writing will take, and
The Words that will complete the piece.

Like writing, I want to live my life knowing that I'm choosing the path that's meant for me, and I can't do that with drugs and alcohol dragging me down.

Done for the 2010 ABOVE THE INFLUENCE contest.
Image size
721x722px 129.26 KB
© 2010 - 2025 tetemeko
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stacieyates's avatar
I love the composition of this. The words/maze look like just plain shading at first glance, then you look closer and realize how much detail there is. Yet it still manages to be a clean logo/image.