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Testament77's avatar

Tura - Zulo form



Tura is a (non player) character from the Vampire the Dark Age Role Playing Game campaign me and my friends are playing.

She's a member of the Tzimisce clan, sadistic and very possessive. When in love (her deviated idea of love) with someone she tend to transform in Zulo form, one of the power of the clan discipline Vicissitude.

Vicissitude Level 4:
Awaken the Zulo Form

The Tzimisce who employs this fell power becomes the veriest monster, the dread zulo of the Balkan peasants' terrified whispers. The vampire's stature increase to a full eight feet tall; the skin becomes a sickly greenish-gray or a greyish-black chitin; the arms become apelike and ropy, tipped with ragged black nails; and the face warps into something out of a nightmare. A row of spines sprouts from the vertebrae, and the extended carapace exudes a foul-smelling grease.

Maybe my version is more demoniac...
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ardashir's avatar

Great art. The Tzimisce were always one of my favorite V:tDA clans, not least for the power to take the zulo form. You did a great job on her.