TerryLH on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/terrylh/art/Dragon-palace-343302001TerryLH

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TerryLH's avatar

Dragon palace



I want to mix some steam punk and chinese style element together, then I get this drawing lol~~
Image size
3600x2520px 3.27 MB
© 2012 - 2024 TerryLH
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amoeternus's avatar
Considering the size comparison provided, this would be a huge construction. I like the dragon elements, and the sphere in the front is certainly an evocative of Chinese culture and mythology. If you were to redo this image, I would probably suggest considering making the palace section more green to run a comparison to the Jade Palace of the Chinese gods. Anyone with the money and power to have this as their palace would probably want to make anyone seeing this think of them as a god. As a side note, I really like the steam and smoke and the way it works in this picture.