4 Season is HERE!Terkatoriam on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/terkatoriam/art/4-Season-is-HERE-416269142Terkatoriam

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Terkatoriam's avatar

4 Season is HERE!



THE 4th SEASON IS HERE! 's Celebrate!
The Mane 6 have been prepared for the premiere of the latest season, all are impatient.
"Pinkie!" Applejack said.
"Take that Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow says.
"We're in a cinema!. Much time ago that didnΒ΄t come to one, but I appear in this season so, in fact I have been more times, but not exactly..."  Pinkie.
"We are divine in the new episodes, right sweety?" said Rarity with Twilight.
"Oops ..." Fluttershy whispers.
"HEY!" Derpy screams.
Shhhhh .. has already started.
 Clapping Pony Icon - Pinkie Pie  Clapping Pony Icon - FluttershyClapping Pony Icon - ApplejackClapping Pony Icon - Twilight Sparkle Clapping Pony Icon - RarityClapping Pony Icon - Rainbow Dash 
Image size
2362x784px 1.43 MB
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Acacia-Rabbit-Desert's avatar
Lo esperabamos con ganas y que gran comienzo =D