Sinotyrannus kazuoensisTeratophoneus on DeviantArt

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Sinotyrannus kazuoensis



Sinotyrannus meaning chinese tyrant is the king of all proceratosaurids and the biggest theropod dinosaur of its place and time. It was huge compared to other proceratosaurids. Normally, proceratosaurs were 2.3,5 metres long, but sinotyrannus was up to 10 metres long. The holotype consists of a partial skulls, fragmentary forelimb and hip bones.
It isnt known if it had a crest but all other proceratosaurids had them, so it probably had one too.
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y87arrow's avatar
I'm not a fan of this picture of Sinotyrannus. I think your re-do from 2015 is much better and even my favourite Sinotyrannus of DevianArt.