Teratophoneus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/teratophoneus/art/Parahelicoprion-clerci-534823901Teratophoneus

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Parahelicoprion clerci



Well well, I said there wont be much art comin up the next days but it seems that drawing stuff really help me gettin over the death of my dog , and also, life has to go on for me. So here we have the next shark of the giatn shark series, and this time a true monster of a shark, Parahelicoprion. This shark lived before the dinosaurs and was a true monster. If its body structure was like in this pic it was around 12 metres long-and this is way before otodus and the carcharocles species! parahelicoprion was related to helicoprion and also had  a very special dentition. its teeth were huge and unlike helicoprion which was probably a fish and squid hunter, Parahelicoprion with its treendous size could prbably go after much bigger fish or whatever big swam the oceans of that time. It was an eugenodontid, so it is related to our modern day chimaeras. I have heared several opinions of the body shape of this creatuer, it was once thought to be 30 metes long!!! But that was based on it having an eels like body which it probably didnt have, most pics depict it as a shark like animal and that what i did too. however , unlie in most pics, I made the lower jaw much shorter  and more similar to its relative helicoprion. I´ve gone with a shark of more slender proportions,I wanted it to look like a fast swimmer, with a big tail  short fins and stuff liek tat. Of course noone really knows how it looked but it maybe looked like this, who knows.

Colouration based of the tiger shark
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1336x830px 534.55 KB
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aero3-5's avatar
Saw a TV show a few years ago that was about prehistoric sharks, there were some truly weird fish! Glad to see a picture of one.