JP-Expanded SarcosaurusTeratophoneus on DeviantArt

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Teratophoneus's avatar

JP-Expanded Sarcosaurus



This one is a special comission for my very good friend
He was my first friend here onDA and so I took his request for a sarcosaurus, a predatorial dinosaur from england.

Name: Sarcosaurus woodi
length: up to 3,5 metres
period: Lias(early jurassic)
Agressiveness: 80% AGRESSIVE
Dangerousness: 95% EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!!

Sarcosaurus was a dinosaur that was bred relatively early by inGen and was included in the first park.These relatively small carnivores live in small groups. Sarcosaurus, which means flesh lizard, lives on Isla Nublar where they still can be found, and on Site D. Reports of these animals from Isla sorna are unclassified and may be misidentifications with Proceratosaurus which can be found on Isla sorna and which looks similar to Sarcosaurus. Sarcosaurus is an early ceratosaur, its snout carries a horn, so it looks a bit like a miniature ceratosaurus. this animals ,according to inGen files, are quite common. Recent research on Isla Nublar show, that they are found in the jungle areas of the island. Their green body colouration is a perfect camouflage. Female Sarcosaurus are completely green and smaller than males, while the bigger males have a completely red head. Both sexes have horns. Sarcosaurus has powerful jaws with razorsharp teeth. Keepers reported that sarcosaurus produces strange sounds, sounds that can be compared to no other animal. Sarcosaurus packs are led by one single male, the rest of the small groups consists of usually 4-5 females and their young. Sarcosaurus are territorial animals and males will fight over their territory. Sarcosaurus adults are highly experienced and skilled hunters, the females use strategies to muster the prey towards the bigger and more powerful males which then will kill the prey. The youngsters go on hunting with the adults very early . Because of their hunting skills , the codename "hunter" was chosen for this dinosaur. Sarcosaurus is a quite agressive animal, two humans were killed by Sarcosaurus . Their colouration make them
ideal ambush hunters but they can also maintain a top speed of 45 km/h over very long distances. They can also leap very good. inGen files show that Sarcosaurus usually kills its prey with a throat or neck bite. Sarcosaurus hasnt been included in the new 2013 park so far.

Jurassic Park (C) Universal pictures
Image size
1754x1275px 1.13 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Teratophoneus
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EvanKlein1's avatar
sounds like a hybrid if you assk me