Embasaurus minaxTeratophoneus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/teratophoneus/art/Embasaurus-minax-307095039Teratophoneus

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Embasaurus minax



This is the first time ever of a life restoration of Embasaurus minax, an elusive supposed tyrannosauroid from kazahstan ,asia. The animal is known only from 2 vertebra and is poorly known, this is the fourth pic ever of this dinosaur and I made 2 of these! So its truely an very unknown animal. It is estimated to be 8 metres long.
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2496x1124px 586.55 KB
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JurassicMedia's avatar
Der sieht verdammt geil aus! Irgendwie gefällt mir der epische Kopf! ;)