Hi My name TeyAnna and i go as TellaHime on here and on instagrame and im wanting to be a Animator and illustrator and also improve on other things
Biggest Inspiration @VivzMind and the whole team down to the VA's
My Reddit Account https://www.reddit.com/user/TellaHime/submitted/?sort=hot
I have a rare genetic disease called, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex , it can be like having epilepsy, cancer, kidney disease, heart disease and mental disabilities all rolled up into one. Some individuals may have every symptom of the disease and be limited in their ablilites. while others may only have mild symptoms and lead healthy and productive lives. It can be like walking through a minefield, never knowing when another symptom of the disease will appear.
Mommy and the doctors all knew i had Tuberous Sclerosis before i was born, and i had my first grandmal seizure at 11 months and had to be life lighted up to the hospital, i was not doing good. I take seizure meds now, to help control them some what. I also have Cancer, 2 types of brain tumors, tumors a mass in my left kidney, tumors that have shrunk in my heart , a tumor on my right optical nerve so i am legally blind in my right eye, and i learn slowly, is a mental disabilities. No one can predict, whether or not i will develop more tumors, or predict anything about this disease, as their is also no cure. So I live my life, as positive, and happy, and try to make others smile every chance I get.
i also was Diagnosed With LAM (Lymphangioleiomyomatosis ) in 2017 due to my TSC its a lung condition where a bunch cysts grow all over my lungs and can pop and cuase lung collaps so fare all i need is a inhailer but i have had 2 lung collaps and 1 partical lung collaps and 2 lung surgerys Pleurodesis lung surgerys on both sides where they scrub the inside the wall inside to make it sticky so my lungs can reattach as tallic powder if i had done that i wouldnt be aboul to have lung surgery later on
i also have Endometriosis and was Diagnosed with it in 2021 iv had surgery to remove my uterus they also found LAM my lung condition the cysts had also grow on my utarus didint know it could spread and 2 years later in 2023 i had my ovaries removed in 2023 of nov also fun fact is endometriosis isint just attach to the utarus and ovaries its a full body illness and can never be cured just like my TSC and LAM luckly it isint super bad atm and hope it wont be but the pain the 2 time i had from the utarus and ovaries was horrible and id wish it on no one luckly they got removed
iv also had eye laser surgery in my right eye begining of march went well march 1st 2024
Got Diagnosed with Osteoporosis 2024 august 23rd Brittle bone Disease's
also here link to the site of my medical conditons for TSC and LAm if you wanna know more about them
Hey Thanks for the Favs <333 I appreciate it!!
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🧚♀️✨🍄Hey there! 🌟 Thank you so much for your continuous support and for favoriting my art piece "One autumns idyll"! If you love the world of magic and folklore, I think you'll really enjoy my upcoming webcomic, Unsele. It's all about a modern-day fairytale woven with enchantment and mystery! ✨🧚♀️✨🍄
Thank you so much the
Thank you so much for the
Thanks for the fave.
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