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Sprouting from Babel: Crucean Lects | Atlas Altera

Location  South America


This is the second map of the Sprouting from Babel series I'm doing for the Atlas Altera project. This one is for Crucea, or what we know in OTL as South America. Each country is depicted with its prevailing/dominant official language along with a number corresponding to what genus (primary branch) level they belong to in their respective language family, plus a 3-letter code that corresponds to the OTL/real ISO-639-3 code for the language. I recommend searching these languages up. 

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More content:
I'm doing backstage-style discussions for this project with my friend, which you can watch on YouTube and or listen on Anchor/SpotifyFor general context on this project, go to www.atlasaltera.comOtherwise, please join the community around this project on r/AtlasAltera or Discord (link in the subreddit).

Here's some additional info to complement the legend. The easy to Google 3-letter code for each country corresponds to an OTL / real ISO-639-3 code for a lect/language. Click on the link to go to the more specific Glottolog lect/language profile page:

zxx - Gascon (labo1236) - Lapurdian-Yate Creole; Lapurdian with Yate, Pykobje, Gamela (Vulnerable)

lad - Ladino (ladi1251) - Ladino; Judeo Spanish/Ladino (Endangered)

spa - Spanish (ande1249) - Peruvian Spanish; Lima variety of Peruvian Spanish (Safe)

xzz - Muan (chon1248) - Chono-Rapanuian-Allentiac creole; Old recordings for Chono, Rapa Nui and Allentiac (Revivable)

ncs - Traza (nica1238) - Nicaraguan Sign Language; Born from children in the pre-context of Liberum, and used de facto by displaced communities in the SoN territory (Vulnerable)

qug - Chimpasim (cana1262) - Highland Kichwa; Chimorazo variety of Highland Quichua/Kichwa (Vulnerable)

gum - Tuturusim (coco1262) - Coconucan; Cicibyco/Guambiano/Misak with moribund Totoro (Endangered)

auc - Awqasim (waor1240) - Waorani; Sabela/Waorani/Huaorani/Wao (Vulnerable)

pbb - Nasasim (paez1247) - Paez; Nasa Yuwe/Paez (Vulnerable)

kbh - Kamsasim (cams1241) - Camsa; Camsa/Kamse/Mococa/Sibundoy with Inga (Endangered)

cbi - Chachisim (chac1249) - Cha'palaachi; Nasa Yuwe/Paez (Endangered)

jiv - Shuarsim (shua1257) - Shuar; Shuar/Jivaro/Xivaro (Endangered)

kwi - Awasim (awac1239) - Awan; Awan/Awa Pit (Endangered)

quf - Yamipiqsim ( lamb1276) - Lambayeque Quechua;  (Endangered)

agr - Warunsim (aguar1253) - Awajun; Awajun/Aguaruna (Vulnerable)

shp - Shipipusim (ship1253) - Shipibo; Cha'palaachi merged with Tsafiki (Vulnerable)

omc - Muchiksim (moch1259) - New Mochica; Moche/Yunga revived with New Mochica and Lambayeque Quechua (Revivable)

qvc - Quashasim (caja1238) - Cajamarca Quechua; Cajamarca with Quingnam/Pescadora numerals (Vulnerable)

qwh - Ankashsim (hiay1239) - Ancash; Ancash/Huaylay Quechua (Vulnerable)

qxw - Wankasim (jauj1237) - Wanka;  (Endangered)

con - Kufansim (cofa1242) - Cofan; Kofan/Cofan/A'ingae (Endangered)

sey - Sikuyasim (seco1241) - Secoya; Secoya/Sieko Coca/Paicoca (Endangered)

zro - Saparasim (zapa1253) - Zaparo; Sapara/Zaparo (Endangered)

ura - Urasim (urar1246) - Urarina;  (Endangered)

boa - Purasim (bora1263) - Bora;  (Endangered)

tca - Tikunasim (ticua1245) - Ticuna;  (Vulnerable)

yad - Yawasim (yagu1244) - Yagua;  (Endangered)

cbt - Chawisim (chay1248) - Chayahuita; Chawi/Chayahuita (Endangered)

cbu - Sachapuyusim (cand1248) - Candoshi; Candoshi-Shapra/Murato (Endangered)

cbr - Kashipusim (cash1251) - Kashibo; Kashibo/Cacataibo/Managua/Hagueti (Endangered)

hto - Witusim (mini1256) - Huitoto; Huitoto/Witoto/Minica (Endangered)

cni - Kampasim (asha1243) - Ashaninka; Ashaninka/Campa (Vulnerable)

ese - Chamasim (esee1248) - Tiatinagua; Ese ejja/Chama/Tiatinagua (Endangered)

aro - Chunchusim (arao) - Araona; Cavina/Araona (Endangered)

mzp - Muyimasim (mov1243) - Movima;  (Endangered)

tna - Takanasim (taca1256) - Tacana;  (Endangered)

quz - Qichwasim (quec1379) - Southern Quechua; Standard Quechua/Cusco and North Bolivian Quechua (Safe)

quy - Chankasim (ayac1238) - Chanka Quechua; Ayacucho Quechua/Chanka variety of Quechua (Endangered)

qux - Linchasim (tana1291) - Lincha Quechua; Lincha Tana/Lincha Lambayeque variety of Quechua (Endangered)

qxc - Chinchasim (chin1483) - Chincha Quechua; Chincha variety of Yauyos Quechua (Endangered)

qvp - Urmasim (paca1245) - Pacaraos Quechua; Pacaraos Quechua revived with Jaqaru (Revivable)

cap - Chipayasim (chip1262) - Chipaya;  (Endangered)

lec - Likusim (leco1242) - Leco endangered;  (Endangered)

caw - Pukinasim (call1235) - Kallawaya; Kallawaya/Pohena/Callawalla with more Puquina (Endangered)

jqr - Haqarusim (jaqa1244) - Jaqaru; Jaqaru/Aru/Jaqi (Endangered)

ayc - Aymarasim (cent2142) - Aymara; Central/Northern Aymara (Safe)

ure - Urusim (uruu1244) - Uru; Uru/Iru-Itu/Uchumataqu/Ochosuma (Revivable)

cyb - Kayuwapasim (cayu1262) - Cayuvava; Cayubaba/Cayuvava (Endangered)

cas - Chimanisim (mose1249) - Chimane; Tsimane/Chimane/Moseten (Endangered)

ito - Itunamasim (iton1250) - Itonama; Itonama with Aymara (Endangered)

yuz - Yurasarsim (yura1255) - Yurucare; Yurucare/Yurujare (Endangered)

qus - Saqtasim (santa1432) - Santiagueno Quechua; Santiagueno Quechua with Humahuaca/Omaguaca (Endangered)

kuz - Achikamasim (kunz1244) - Kunza; Kunza/Likanantai (Resurging)

cag - Suhinsim (niva1238) - Nivacle; Nivacle/Suhin/Churupi with Diaguita/Cacan (Endangered)

mca - Chanqusim (maca1260) - Maka; Maka/Towolhi (Endangered)

qxp - Rumisim (sout2991) - Colla; South Bolivian/Central Bolivian Quechua/Colla (Safe)

jqr - Kawkisim (cauq1239) - Kawki; Cauqui/Kawki variety of Jaqaru with Diaguita/Cacan (Endangered)

wlv - Wichisim (wichi1263) - Vejos; Wichi Lhamantes Vejoz/Vejos/Mataco Vejoz with Guisnay (Endangered)

crq - Manusim (iyow1239) - Iyo'wujwa Chorote; Manjuy/Iyo'wujwa Chorote (Endangered)

arn - Araucanian (mapu1245) - Mapuche; Temuco variety of Mapudungun/Mapuche (Vulnerable)

huh - Velician (huil1244) - Huilliche; Wiliche/Huilliche/Veliche (Endangered)

teh - Patagonian (tehu1242) - Tehuelche; Tehuelche with Ona (Resurging)

alc - Alaclufian (qawa1238) - Kawesqar; Kawesqar/Alacaluf (Endangered)

yag - Fogarian (yama1264) - Yaghan; Yagan/Jagan/Yamana/Huasi Kuta/Yagankuta (Revivable)

gug - Guarani (para1311) - Guarani;  (Safe)

ceg - Ishiro (cham1315) - Chamacoco; Chamacoco/Ishiro with German and Spanish (Endangered)

qsi - Lantek (chan1296) - Chana; Chana/Lantek with German and Spanish (Resurging)

tob - Qom (toba1269) - Toba Qom; Toba Qom/Chaco Sur with German and Spanish (Endangered)

gta - Vilel (guat1253) - Guato with Vilela; Wato/Guato with Lule-Vilel substratum and Spanish (Endangered)

tpk - Tupinaki (tpn) - Lingua Austral; Tupiniquim simplified as a Lingua Austral-like creole (Revivable)

cax - Monkox (sani1274) - Chiquitano; San Ignacio de Velazco variety of Chiquitano with German (Endangered)

enl - Enlhet (nort2971) - Enlhet; Enlhet/Northern Lengua with German and Spanish (Endangered)

spa - Spanish (riop1234) - Argentine Spanish; Bonaerense variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1235) - Argentine Spanish; Litoraleno variety of Argentine Spanish with German (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1236) - Argentine Spanish; Puntano variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1237) - Argentine Spanish; Cordobese variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1238) - Argentine Spanish; Cuyano variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1239) - Argentine Spanish; Camba variety of Bolivian Spanish with Afro-Bolivian influences (Safe)

spa - Spanish (chil1286) - Argentine Spanish; Santiago variety of Chilean Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (chap1272) - Argentine Spanish; Chapaco variety of Bolivian Spanish with Valluno intonation (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1240) - Argentine Spanish; Alemanol-influenced Bonaerense/Rioplatense Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1241) - Argentine Spanish; Patagonian variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (chil1286) - Argentine Spanish; Valdivian variety of Chilean Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (riop1243) - Argentine Spanish; Porteno variety of Argentine Spanish (Safe)

spa - Spanish (ande1249) - Colombian Spanish; Rolo/Cachaco/Bogota variety of Andean Spanish (Safe)

qpj - Quican (timo1237) - Timote; Timote/Cuica/Miguri Possibly exinct (Endangered)

mot - Zulan (bari1297) - Bari; Bari/Motilon/Cunausaya/Dobocubi (Vulnerable)

tuf - Querchiran (tune1260) - Uwa: Central; Cobaria or Tegria variety of Uwa/Uw Cuwa/Tunebo (Vulnerable)

kog - Taironan (cogu1240) - Kogi; Kogi/Cogui/Kagaba (Vulnerable)

cbg - Zacirese (chim1309) - Chimila; Chimila/Shimizya (Endangered)

guc - Gohirese (wayu1243) - Wayuu; Wayuu/Wayuunaiki/Guajiro (Vulnerable)

slc - Taramese (sali1298) - Saliba;  (Vulnerable)

tit - Cazaranese (tini1245) - Tinigua; One speaker left, Sixto Muñoz, who is featured in some documentaries (Endangered)

yae - Tarirese (pume1238) - Yaruro; Yaruro/Pumé with Wolof (Endangered)

pap - Papiamtu (papi1253) - Papiamento; Papiamento with less English (Endangered)

yup - Arubolese ( yukp1241) - Yukpa with Palor; Yukpa with Palor (Endangered)

crb - Tobagolese (isla1278) - Kalinago; Kalinago/Igneri revived with Jollofi for gaps (Revivable)

msw - Lirese (mans1259) - Sua; Mansoanka/Kunante/Sua (Endangered)

guu - Otomaganese (yano1261) - Yanomamo; Yanomami/Yanomamo with Wolof (Vulnerable)

wba - Cayennese (wara1303) - Warao; Warao with Zarma and Arabic (Vulnerable)

mbv - Borocolese (mbul1258) - Rio Nunez: Mbulungish; Mbulungish variety of Rio Nunez (Endangered)

arw - Cayunese (araw1276) - Arawak; Lokono/Arawak with Zarma and Arabic (Endangered)

naj - Cainamese (nalu1240) - Nalu;  (Endangered)

aoc - Essequibolese (pemo1248) - Pemon;  (Endangered)

hix - Dumarunese (hixk1239) - Hixkaryana; Hixkaryana with Wolof (Endangered)

wap - Surinamese (wapi1253) - Wapishana; Wapishana with Turama and Serer (Endangered)

tdm - Lawanese (taru1236) - Taruma; Taruma with Tiriyo, Wayana, Wapishana and Serer (Endangered)

car - Galinnese (gali1262) - Carib; Kalina/Carib/Kari'nja with Mandinka (Endangered)

yrl - Bidoramese (nhen1239) - Nheengatu; Nheengatu with Mandinka (Vulnerable)

guh - Wahibolese (guah1254) - Guahibo; Guahibo with Zarma and Arabic (Vulnerable)

pid - Daharolese (piar1243) - Piaroa; Piaroa with Zarma and Arabic (Endangered)

nsx - Sungu (nson1238) - Kimbundu: Songo; Songo variety of Kimbundu with Portuguese and Nheengatu (Endangered)

pav - Orowari (wari1268) - Wari'; Wari' with Ovimbundu and Portuguese (Endangered)

ram - Timbira (cane1242) - Timbira; Canela variety of Timbira (Endangered)

ram - Timbira (cane1242) - Timbira; Canela variety of Timbira (Endangered)

ram - Timbira (cane1242) - Timbira; Canela variety of Timbira (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

fun - Carnijo (fuln1247) - Fulnio; Fulnio/Yate with Katembri (Endangered)

por - Portuguese (braz1246) - Brazilian Portuguese; Baiano variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)

por - Portuguese (braz1247) - Brazilian Portuguese; Nordestino variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)

opy - Ofaye (ofay1240) - Ofaye; Ofaye/Opaye/Ofaye-Xavante (Endangered)

xav - Xavante (xava1240) - Xavante;  (Endangered)

kpj - Caraja (kara1500) - Karaja; Karaja/Iny rybe (Endangered)

rkb - Canoeiro (rikb1245) - Rikbaktsa; Rikbaktsa/Aripaktsa/Erikpatsa (Endangered)

por - Portuguese (braz1247) - Brazilian Portuguese; Sulista variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)

por - Portuguese (braz1247) - Brazilian Portuguese; Fluminense variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)

por - Portuguese (braz1247) - Brazilian Portuguese; Paulistano variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)

kqq - Pejaurun (kren1239) - Krenak-KiKongo-Portuguese Creole; Creole of Botocudo/Krenak, KiKongo, and Portuguese (Endangered)

prr - Puri (puri1262) - Puri-KiKongo-Portuguese Creole; Creole of Puri, KiKongo, and Portuguese (Resurging)

bor - Bororo (boro1282) - Bororo-KiKongo-Portuguese Creole; Creole of Bororo/Boe, KiKongo, and Portuguese (Endangered)

xok - Xocren (xok1240) - Xokleng; Xokleng with Kainang (Endangered)

por - Portuguese (braz1247) - Brazilian Portuguese; Carioca variety of Brazilian Portuguese (Safe)



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Why is Tupian mostly relegated to Guarani in Altera, plus Guarani itself not being present a lot between the Paraguay and Parana river like IRL