Tekka-Croe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tekka-croe/art/Reina-Armor-Studies-329644379Tekka-Croe

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Reina- Armor Studies



Most of my free time this week has been spent working on concept sketches for body armor in Novus Imperium (an original sci-fi universe created by several friends and myself). This page is where I've been wrestling around with the design for my OC, Reina Cloude's, armor. I've been trying to make this armor work for quite some time (as some of my long-time watchers may be aware [link]). I am, however, finally getting the details of the design hammered out.

When designing armor for the ladies, I try to design it practically, so that means no boob-windows or bare midriffs. Reina's armor is about the most skintight battle-gear that'll be featured in Novus Imperium, and in her case there's actually a reason for that: She's a stealth and CQC specialist, which necessitates that her armor be kept light-weight and flexible. I hope I've achieved that look in way that can be considered acceptable (Reina's basically my brainchild, and the last thing I want to do is portray her in a demeaning manner, even accidentally).

No technical specs on the armor's composition, yet. Those will show up when I've got a full-blown reference sheet for Reina's armor.

Reina Cloude (c) :icontekka-croe:
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Endy001's avatar

Personal opinion: Armor is concentrated too heavily on the legs. The arms are going to go over the torso, and they will probably get shot once in a while.