Nightmare Designs :CLOSED:TehKiriai on DeviantArt

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TehKiriai's avatar

Nightmare Designs :CLOSED:



OKAY. So here are 6 designs that were supposed to be for !KigerTigerHorse, but since I cannot find her new account/if she has a new account, Im going to allow the people I owe to claim them first, and if they dont want them, then I will put them up for point adoption to the public.

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6

EDIT:</u> 1 and 3 are left! So they are going up for point adoption.

#1 will be 50 points 35 points!!

#3 will be 30 points.</b>


1. Barbed Wire; Owned by :iconwillowriveracres:
Feathers: Barbed Wire. They cut up her legs a lot, so bloody hoofprints will often be found where she has walked.
Substance running from nose/mouth: Static electricity.
Base Coat colour is dark purple. Qualifies as a Pure.

2. Crocodile; Owned by :iconthe-winged-one:
This one is supposed to be coloured like a crocodile, haha. This nightmare spends most of its time in the water.
The feathers are are crocodile pheromones, used to attract the opposite sex crocodiles (so if its a girl, it'll attract male crocodiles). It feeds on these attracted crocodiles' souls :)
Substance running from the nose/mouth is crocodile teeth. A bite from a mouth full of nightmare AND crocodile teeth are sure to hurt 10 times as much as a regular bite!
Base coat colour is WHITE. Can only qualify as a regular.

3. Chains; Owned by :iconclaiy:
The feathers on this nightmare happens to be chains. There is a bolt that runs through the knees and the fetlocks on the front legs and the hocks and the ankles on the back legs to hold the chains in place. The feathers run up all the way to the elbows on this nightmare.
The base coat is SABINO, so the markings past the elemental feathers are ACCEPTABLE. Dont know what Sabino is? [CLICK THIS PICTURE TO FIND OUT]
The substance running from the nose and mouth is a liquid that prevents rusting on metal. Every once in a while the nightmare wipes each leg with the substance to keep its chains nice and shiny and in good condition to kick some ass with them!
This Nightmare qualifies as a pure!

4. Piano; Owned by :iconthe-winged-one:
This nightmare spends most of its time creating musical masterpieces.
The feathers of this nightmare are rather difficult to explain. So with each step the nightmare takes, it can control what note is heard. The colouring goes, from top to bottom; F, A, B, C, D, E, G. So if the nightmare steps down and wants to play a B, the green colour appears around its foot, and is left behind on the ground for the duration of the note. When that note is played, the section of the mane also glows. The feathers are not any specific instrument, so they can change instruments and allows the nightmare to play very complex pieces with varying instruments. Each foot can play a different note at the same time.
The substance running from the mouth and nose is also a noise; its the sound of a metronome. It can control the speed of the metronome depending on what style of music this nightmare is creating.
The base coat is black, and this nightmare can qualify as a pure!

5. Piranha Plant; Mario Horse; Owned by :iconthe-winged-one:
Yup! You guessed it! This nightmare is pretty much inspired by Super Mario. (Im actually surprised I havent seen a Nightmare like this around yet).
The feathers of this nightmare are the Piranha Plants in Super Mario. I wanted them bigger, but then it would look awkward compared to the Nightmare's body.
The substance running from this nightmare's nose is the "1-Up" and "Growing" mushrooms.
The base coat for this nightmare is dark red, and qualifies as a Pure.

6. Pain in the Ass; Owned by :iconthe-winged-one:
This Nightmare has Sleeping pills as its feathers. These sleeping pills have a sweet smell and trickle down the nightmare's legs constantly. The Nightmare can control the amount of pills released, and will lay a trail and lie in wait until an innocent animal eats them. Once they ingest them, it'll come out and start walking around the animal, sort of "hypnotising" it with its flashy markings.
The liquid running from the mouth and nose is liquid advil (extra strength). If too much is put directly in the blood (through a bite or wound), it is very easy to over dose with.
The nightmare's base coat is dark blue, and qualifies as a Pure.

SO, everyone who is currently listed in my journal has FIRST DIBS. If there are left overs, the others will go up for point adoptables TOMORROW.

Art/Adoptables (c) ME
Disturbed Nightmares (c) ME.

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1383x698px 439.5 KB
© 2011 - 2025 TehKiriai
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Elesette's avatar
these are amazing. something tells me we should do a design trade o_o