Dr Who 50th Anniversary + 250 point Giveaway!

49 min read

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TehAngelsCry's avatar
Design & Code by Celvas

First Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
William Hartnell (1963-1966, 1973) & Richard Hurndall (1983)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Susan Foreman; Barbara Wright; Ian Chesterton; Vicki; Steven Taylor; Katarina; Sara Kingdom; Dodo Chaplet; Polly; Ben Jackson

Second Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Patrick Troughton (1966-1969)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Polly; Ben Jackson; Jamie McCrimmon; Victoria Waterfield; Zoe Heriot

Second Doctor costume by Leda74 Chibi 2nd Doctor by TwinEnigma :thumb154598272: :thumb123227336:

Third Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
John Pertwee (1970-1974)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Liz Shaw; Jo Grant; Sarah Jane Smith

Fourth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Tom Baker (1974-1981)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Sarah Jane Smith; Harry Sullivan; Leela;  K-9; Romana; Adric; Nyssa; Tegan Jovanka

:thumb113162132: Fourth Doctor for Snozzberry88 by MasterPlanner The Fourth Doctor by Carnivius Fourth by illustoryart The Fourth Doctor by HaddonArt The Fourth Dimension by Harnois75 The Fourth Doctor by mc-hammark Doctor Who: Disco Daleks by Risachantag The Doctor in trouble by telesketch The 4th Doctor - Tom Baker by iluvu2 The Doctor's Scarf by Seiryuu-san 4th Doctor Who Tom Baker by kevinbolk Doctor Who: Fourth doctor's scarf by EruwaedhielElleth The Doctor and Romana by whosname The 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) by HavocGirl Fourth Doctor chibi by TrenoNights Chibi 4th Doctor by TwinEnigma Doctor Whooves - When I grow up... by caycowa :thumb310940296:

Fifth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Peter Davidson (1981-1984)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Adric; Nyssa; Tegan Jovanka; Vislor Turlough; Kamelion; Peri Brown

Fifth Doctor and Tegan by infiniteviking The Fifth Doctor by Timedancer The fifth doctor by emmav Chibi Fifth Doctor by A-nyu-sama :thumb338335159: Doctor Hoo - Five by Marker-Mistress The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and the Tardis! by HavocGirl Fifth Doctor II. by ilwin Chibi 5th Doctor by TwinEnigma :thumb258340287: Peter Davison by Lithrael Doctor and His Coat Rack by WindChimeGhost The Fifth by Circet

Sixth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Colin Baker (1984-1986)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Peri Brown; Mel

:thumb146926971: :thumb199181506: Sixth Doctor - Time Squad by fourth-heir The Sixth Doctor by Timedancer The Sixth Doctor by NRobinson77 The Sixth Doctor by HaddonArt :thumb297100807: Dark Sixth Doctor by infiniteviking The Sixth Doctor Who by hansbrown-77 :thumb194767929: Sixth Doctor by Carthoris Sixth and Donna in photo booth by infiniteviking The Doctor and Peri by whosname DW Fashion: The 6th Doctor #1 by Miss-Alex-Aphey The Sixth Doctor by Clone-Artist Sixth Doctor and Tardis by DoctorWhoNC Sixth Doctor by hathorsg1x Umbrella by Kittywitchthesecond

Seventh Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Sylvestor McCoy (1987-1989, 1996)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Mel; Ace

Eighth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Paul McGann (1996, 2013)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Grace Holloway

Eighth Doctor Doll Cosplay by Niki-UK Eighth Doctor Who Paul McGann by kevinbolk The Eighth Doctor by Niki-UK Chibi Eighth Doctor by A-nyu-sama :thumb199299100: The Eighth Doctor by HavocGirl The Eighth Doctor by mc-hammark :thumb369062708: The Eighth Doctor Who by hansbrown-77 :thumb381240584: The 8th Doctor - Thais by Timedancer Eighth Doctor Who by FairyGodfather :thumb209653340: A Rose With A Thorn by AdeleLorienne The 8th Doctor- the Time War years... by PaulHanley Doctor Who Time War by ShawnVanBriesen The Eighth Doctor: Night of the Doctor by herbertzohl DW - Time War by Brainiac6Techgirl

Ninth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Christopher Ecclestone (2005)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Rose Tyler; Adam Mitchell; Jack Harkness

Tenth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
David Tennant (2005-2010)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Rose Tyler; Mickey Smith; Donna Noble; Martha Jones; Jack Harkness; Astrid Peth; Sarah Jane Smith; Jackson Lake; Rosita Farisi; Christina de Souza; Adelaide Brooke; Wilfred Mott

Eleventh Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Matt Smith (2010-present)

:bulletblue: Companions:
Amy Pond; Rory Williams; River Song; Craig Owens; Clara Oswald

Eleventh by inklou The Eleventh Doctor by Psyconorikan Doctor Who Nail Art - The Eleventh Doctor by KayleighOC The Eleventh Doctor by MikeMcelwee The Eleventh Doctor by Cruzore The Eleventh Doctor by bopx Eleventh Doctor Whooves Amigurumi by MilesofCrochet THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR by S-von-P The Eleventh Doctor by Lenka-Slukova My Eleventh Doctor by LEPcommander The Eleventh Doctor by Fantaasiatoidab Eleventh doctor by KiloWhat :thumb355886681: :thumb197727718: :thumb348001045: :thumb216941419: Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith by MeikeZane The Eleventh by Mad42Sam The Doctor by AmandaTolleson Eleventh Doctor Icon Pack by LetsSaveTheUniverse Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith - Cosplay Jumper by DarlingArmy The Eleventh Doctor by Belegilgalad Eleventh Doctor Character Poster by MisterTimeLord Doctor who - Imaginary Friend by OrneryJen :thumb411336131: :thumb253655191: Eleventh party by Mirabel-chan The Doctor's Wife by lortay :thumb245589298:

Twelfth Doctor

:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Peter Capaldi

The Twelfth by AlessiaPelonzi The Twelfth Doctor by frasierdalek The Twelfth Hour by ArtsyMaria Breaking in the New Face by greyfin :thumb390760033: The 12th Doctor (for sale) by Marc137 Happy Wholloween! by Rin8


:bulletblue: Actor(s):
Suranne Jones (2011)

Doctor Who by Joe-Roberts   Whom by krutch99 Tardis by nirufe TARDIS Wallpaper by MrGrandhighmonkey  :thumb177588685:   Tardis by jasric All of Time and Space by alicexz Tardis by cheshirecatart TARDIS by Carnivius   TARDIS by ObscureAir   The Tardis's Quotes: food by morwenvaidt The Tardis by bcboo TARDIS by Mad42Sam TARDIS in the Gardens by SynCallio Tardis Journal by MyntKat  


Want a chance to win some points? All you have to do is:

:bulletblue: Tell me who your favourite doctor is!
:bulletblue: Favourite this journal!

5 Deviants will receive 50 points (to commemorate the Doctor's 50th anniversary).

The giveaway will last 1 week (ending 30th November, 23:59 GMT). I will use a random number generator and screenshot proof of the winner. :eager:


© 2013 - 2025 TehAngelsCry
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IDovve's avatar
Wheres the war doctor???